Dr. Nick Plowman’s Research


 Original Articles

  1. Plowman PN, Stapleforth DE (1977): Dermatomyositis with fibrosing alveolitis. Response to treatment with cyclophosphamide.

Proc Roy Soc Med 70, 738-740.

  1. Plowman PN, Flemans RJ (1980): Human pulmonary macrophages: The relationship of smoking to the presence of sea blue granules and surfactant turnover.

J Clin Path 33, 738-743.

  1. Rhodes J, Plowman PN, Bishop H, Lipscomb D (1981): Human macrophage function in cancer: systemic and local changes detected by an assay of Fc receptor expression.

J Natl Can Inst 66, 423-429.

  1. Plowman PN (1982): Human pulmonary macrophages: Pinocytic activity in bronchial carcinoma and in the presence of levamisole and cyclosporin.

Clin Oncol 8, 39-48.

  1. Plowman PN (1982): The pulmonary macrophage of human smokers. Decreased surface Fc receptor concentrations on heavily particle laden cells.

Hum Toxicol 1, 433-442.

  1. Plowman PN (1982): The pulmonary macrophage population of human smokers.

Ann Occ Hyg 25, 393-407.

  1. Cole P, Citron KM, Plowman PN, Evans TGR, Vick RM (1979): The treatment of sarcoidosis by levamisole.

B J Dis Chest 73, 367-372.

  1. Workman P, Wiltshire CR, Plowman PN, Bleehen NM (1978): Monitoring salivary misonidazole in man: a possible alternative to plasma monitoring.

B J Cancer 38: 709-713.

  1. Bleehen NM, Freedman LS, Plowman PN, Watson JV, Wiltshire CR (1981): A randomised study of misonidazole and radiotherapy for Grade 3 and 4 cerebral astrocytoma.

B J Cancer 43, 436-442.

  1. Matheson I, Plowman PN, Johnston A (1984): Pharmacokinetic considerations of misonidazole in therapeutics.

Hum Toxicol 3, 29-36.

  1. Plowman PN, Stapleforth DE, Citron KM (1980): Spontaneous pneumothorax in Hodgkin’s disease.

Brit J Dis Chest 74, 411-414.

  1. Plowman PN (1982): The management of thyroid cancer.

Brit J Radiol 55, 467-468.

  1. Plowman PN (1983): The effects of conventionally fractionated extended portal radiotherapy on the human peripheral blood picture.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 9, 829-839.

  1. George S, Whitton A, Plowman PN (1983): Hair regrowth after cancer therapy.

Human Toxicol 3, 465-472.

  1. Jones DH, Bleehen NM, Grant RM, Plowman PN, Roberts TJ, Sikora K, Watson JV, Wiltshire CR (1983): Scheduled and unscheduled combination chemotherapy in the treatment of squamous cell lung cancer.

Anticancer Res 3, 235-238.

  1. Plowman PN, Wise RJS (1984): Intracerebral lymphoma deposits: the use of modern brain scanning techniques to their investigation and the results of radiotherapy.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 10, 843-850.

  1. Dorreen MS, Wrigley PFM, Laidlow JM, Plowman PN, Neudachin L, Tucker AK, Malpas JS, Stansfeld AG, Faux MML, Jones AE, Lister TA (1984): The management of Stage II supradiaphragmatic Hodgkin’s disease at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital.

Cancer 54, 2882-2888.

  1. Grossman A, Cohen BL, Charlesworth M, Plowman PN, Rees LH, Wass JAH, Jones AE, Besser GM (1984): Treatment of prolactinomas with megavoltage radiotherapy.

Brit Med J  288, 1105-1109.

  1. Grossman A, Savage M, Blacklay A, Ross, Plowman PN, Preece MA, Coy DH, Besser GM (1985): The use of GHRH in the diagnosis and treatment of short stature.

Hormone Research 22, 52-57.

  1. Blacklay A, Grossman A, Savage M, Plowman PN, Coy DH, Besser GM (1986): Cranial irradiation in children with cerebral tumours – evidence for a hypothalamic defect in growth hormone release.

J Endocrinol 108, 25-29.

  1. Walker KJ, Nicholson RI, Turkes A, Turkes AO, Plowman PN (1984): Therapeutic potential of the LH-RH agonist Zoladex (ICI 118630) in the treatment of advanced breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausal women.

J Steroid Biochem 20, 1409 A90.

  1. Pinkerton R, Chessells J, Levinsky R, Seif C, Plowman PN (1984): Allogenic bone marrow transplantation in a child with primary myelofibrosis.

Exp Hematol 12 (Suppl 15), 101.

  1. Plowman PN, Shand WS, Jackson DB (1984): Use of absorbable mesh to displace bowel and avoid radiation enteropathy during therapy of pelvic Ewing’s sarcoma.

Human Toxicol 3, 229-237.

  1. Harnett AN, Doughty D, Plowman PN (1985): An improved brachytherapy device for anal carcinoma.

Brit J Radiol 58, 258-261.

  1. Kingston JE, Plowman PN, Smith BF, Garvan NJ (1986): Differentiated astrocytoma with widespread skeletal metastases in a child – case report.

Child’s Nerv Syst 2, 219-221.

  1. Plowman PN, Gilmore OJA, Curling M, Janvrin SB (1986): Paget’s disease of the nipple occurring after conservation management of early infiltrating breast cancer.

Brit J Surg 73, 45.

  1. Kingston JE, Plowman PN, Hungerford JL (1985): Ectopic intracranial retinoblastoma in childhood.

Brit J Ophthalm 69, 742-748.

  1. Nicholson RI, Walker KJ, Turkes A, Dyas J, Plowman PN, Williams M, Blamey R (1985): Endocrinological and clinical aspects of LHRH action (ICI 118630) in hormone dependent breast cancer.

J Steroid Biochem 23, 843-847.

  1. Chessells JM, Leiper AD, Plowman PN, Levinsky R, Festenstein H (1986): Bone marrow transplantation has a limited role in prolonging second marrow remission in childhood lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Lancet i, 1239-1241.

  1. Plowman PN, Perry LA, Chard T (1987): Androgen suppression by hydrocortisone without aminoglutethimide in orchidectomised men with prostate cancer.

Brit J Urol 59, 255-257.

  1. Plowman PN, Nicholson RI, Walker K (1986): Remissions of postmenopausal breast cancer during treatment with the LHRH analogue: ICI 118360.

Brit J Cancer 54, 903-909.

  1. Stebbings WSL, George BD, Boyle S, Plowman PN, Gilmore OJA (1987): Malignant cysts of the male breast.

Postgraduate Medical Journal 63, 985-987.

  1. Rowell NP, Gilmore OJA, Plowman PN (1987): Aminoglutethimide as second-line hormone therapy in advanced breast cancer: response and toxicity.

Human Toxicol 6, 227-232.

  1. Hamilton CR, Plowman PN (1987): Prolonged remission of lymphangitis carcinomatosis from breast cancer.

Brit J Dis Chest 81, 400-403.

  1. Stebbings WSL, Anderson E, Puddefoot JR, Vinson GP, Gilmore OJA, Plowman PN (1989): Variations in steroid receptor status with disease stage in breast cancer.

Eur J Surg Oncol 15, 322-327.

  1. Doughty D, Lambert GD, Hirst A, Marks AM, Plowman PN (1987): Improved total body irradiation dosimetry.

Brit J Radiol 60, 260-278.

  1. Harnett A, Hirst A, Plowman PN (1987): The eye in acute leukaemia I: Dosimetric analysis in cranial radiation prophylaxis.

Radiother Oncol Vol 10, 195-202.

  1. Harnett A, Plowman PN (1987): The eye in acute leukaemia II: The management of solitary anterior chamber relapse.

Radiother Oncol Vol 10, 203-207.

  1. Blacklock HA, Morgan G, Darbyshire P, Byrne M, Plowman PN, Levinsky RJ, Chessells JM (1986): T-Depletion to prevent acute GVHD in matched leukaemic BMT paediatric recipients.

Bone Marrow Transplantation 1 (Suppl 1), 116.

  1. Harnett AN, Hungerford JL, Lambert G, Hirst A, Darlison R, Hart B, Trodd TC, Plowman PN (1987): Modern lateral external beam (lens sparing) radiotherapy for retinoblastoma.

Ophthalm Paed Genet 8, 53-61.

  1. Plowman PN, Harnett AN (1988): Radiotherapy in benign orbital disease

I: Complicated ocular and orbital angiomas.

Brit J Ophthalmol 72, 286-288.

  1. Harnett AN, Doughty D, Hirst A, Plowman PN (1988): Radiotherapy in benign orbital disease II: Ophthalmic Graves disease and orbital Histiocytosis X.

Brit J Ophthalmol 72, 289-292.

  1. Harnett AN, Hungerford J, Lambert G, Hirst A, Darlison R, Hart B, Trodd TC, Plowman PN (1987): Improved external beam radiotherapy for the treatment of retinoblastoma.

Brit J Radiol 60, 753-760.

  1. Hungerford J, Kingston J, Plowman N (1986): Factors influencing survival in retinoblastoma.

Ophthalm Paed Genet  8, 63-68.

  1. Plowman PN, Fuentos J, Harnett AN (1987): Early radiation swelling remains a problem in the management of paediatric brain tumours.

Brit J Radiol 60, 931-932.

  1. Doniach I, Kingston JE, Plowman PN, Malpas JS (1987): The association of post-radiation thyroid nodular disease with compensated hypothyroidism.

Brit J Radiol 60, 1223-1226.

  1. Brown AP, Fixsen JA, Plowman PN (1987): Local control of Ewing’s sarcoma: an analysis of 67 patients.

Brit J Radiol 60, 261-268.

  1. Kingston JE, Hungerford JL, Plowman PN (1987): Chemotherapy in metastatic retinoblastoma.

Ophthalm Paed Genet 8, 69-72.

  1. Ciccarelli E, Corsello SM, Plowman N, Jones AE, Touzel R, Rees LH, Besser GM, Wass JAH (1989): Long term effects of radiotherapy for acromegaly on circulating prolactin levels.

Acta Endocrinologia 121, 827-832.

  1. Plowman PN, Doughty D, Harnett AN (1988): Improving paediatric brachytherapy strategies. I: The role of brachytherapy in the multidisciplinary therapy of localised cancer.

Brit J Radiol 62, 218-222.

  1. Thomson E, Afshar F, Plowman PN (1988): Improving paediatric brachytherapy strategies. II: Interstitial brain brachytherapy.

Brit J Radiol 62, 223-229.

  1. Broecker BH, Plowman PN, Pritchard J, Ransley PG (1988): Pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma in children.

Brit J Urol 61, 427-431.

  1. Howlett TA, Wass JAH, Grossman A, Plowman PN, Charlesworth M, Touzel R, Rees LH, Savage MO, Besser GM (1989): Prolactinomas presenting as primary amenorrhoea and delayed or arrested puberty: response to medical therapy.

Clin Endocrinol 30, 131-140.

  1. Hykin PG, McCartney ACE, Plowman PN, Hungerford JL (1990): Post enucleation orbital radiotherapy for the treatment of malignant melanoma of the choroid with extrascleral extension.

Brit J Ophthalmol 76, 34-39.

  1. Leiper AD, Stanhope R, Lau T, Grant DB, Blacklock H, Plowman PN, Chessells J (1988): The effect of total body irradiation and bone marrow transplantation during childhood and adolescence on growth and endocrine function.

Brit J Haematol 67, 419-426.

  1. Hungerford J, Kingston J, Plowman N (1987): Orbital recurrence of retinoblastoma.

Ophthalmic Paediatrics and Genetics 8(1), 63-68.

  1. Plowman PN (1989): Bone metastases from Ewing’s sarcoma radiologically recapitulate the features of a primary Ewing’s tumour.

Clin. Radiol 40, 498-500.

  1. Kirkbride P, Plowman PN (1989): Platinum chemotherapy, radiotherapy and the inner ear – implications for “standard” radiation portals.

Brit J Radiol 62, 457-462.

  1. Howlett TA, Plowman PN, Wass JAH, Rees LH, Jones AE, Besser GM (1989): Megavoltage pituitary irradiation in the management of Cushing’s disease and Nelson’s syndrome: Long term follow-up.

Clin Endocrinol 31, 309-323.

  1. Donaldson SS, Whitaker SJ, Plowman PN, Link MP, Malpas JS (1990): Stage I-II pediatric Hodgkin’s disease: Long term follow-up demonstrates equivalent survival rates following different management schemes.

J Clin Oncol 8, 1128-1137.

  1. Murray P, Charlesworth M, Plowman PN (1989): Periventricular enhancement: a non-pathognomonic sign of intracerebral tumours.

Brit J Radiol 62, 1075-1078.

  1. Goble RR, McKenzie J, Kingston JE, Plowman PN, Hungerford JL (1990): Orbital recurrence of retinoblastoma successfully treated by combined excision, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Brit J Ophthalmol 74, 97-98.

  1. Plowman PN, Bridges BA, Arlett CF, Hinney A, Kingston JE (1990): An instance of clinical radiation morbidity and cellular radiosensitivity, not associated with ataxia-telangiectasia.

Brit J Radiol 63, 624-628.

  1. Douek E, Plowman PN, Kingston JE (1991): Platinum based chemotherapy for recurrent non-gliomatous brain tumours in young patients.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 54(8), 722-725.

  1. Glynne-Jones R, Whitaker SJ, Plowman PN (1990): The “urn” portal; an alternative to the mantle portal in the chemoradiotherapy management of paediatric Hodgkin’s disease.

Clin Oncol 2, 235-240.

  1. Glynne-Jones R, Hungerford JL, Johnson MA, Plowman PN (1990): Epidemic Kaposi’s sarcoma of the conjunctiva: considerations for radiotherapy.

Clin Oncol 2, 358-362.

  1. Pickles T, Perry L, Murray P, Plowman PN (1990): 4-Hydroxyandrostenedione – further clinical and extended endocrine observations.

Brit J Cancer 62, 309-313.

  1. Mayou SC, Chu AC, Munro DD, Plowman PN (1991): Langerhans cell histiocytosis – excellent response to etoposide.

Clin and Exp Derm 16, 292-294.

  1. Dutton SC, Plowman PN (1991): Paediatric haemangiomas: the role of radiotherapy.

Brit J Radiol 64, 261-269.

  1. Tsagarakis S, Plowman PN, Jones AE, Wass JAH, Grossman A, Besser GM (1991): Megavoltage pituitary irradiation in the management of prolactinomas: long term follow-up.

Clin Endocrinol 34, 399-406.

  1. Plowman PN, Doughty D (1991): An innovative method for neuraxis radiotherapy using partial transmission block technique.

Brit J Radiol 64, 603-607.

  1. Sebag-Montefiore DJ, Douek E, Kingston JE, Plowman PN (1992): Intracranial germ cell tumours. I: Experience with platinum based chemotherapy and implications for curative chemoradiotherapy.

Clin Oncol 4, 345-350.

  1. James N, Kingston JE, Plowman PN, Mellor S, Pinkerton R, Barrett A, Sandland R, McElwain TJ, Malpas JS (1992): Outcome of children with resistant and relapsed Hodgkin’s disease.

Brit J Cancer 66, 1155-1158.

  1. Kirk JMW, Mort C, Grant D, Touzel RJ, Plowman N (1992): The usefulness of serum thyroglobulin in the follow-up of differential thyroid carcinoma in children.

Med Ped Oncology 20, 201-208.

  1. Wadkins L, Uttley D, Archer DJ, Wilkins PJ, Plowman N (1992): Giant cell tumours of the sphenoid bone.

Neurosurgery 30, 576-581.

  1. Plowman PN, Doughty D, Sebag-Montefiore D (1992): Altered radiotherapy fractionation in medulloblastoma.

Brit J Radiol 65, 461-462.

  1. Kirkbride P, Plowman PN (1992): Radiotherapy to the surviving kidney after unilateral nephrectomy in bilateral Wilms’ tumour.

Brit J Radiol 65, 510-516.

  1. Attard-Montalto S, Kingston JE, Eden OB, Plowman PN (1992): Late follow-up of lung function after whole lung irradiation for Wilms’ tumour.

Brit J Radiol 65, 1114-1118.

  1. Sebag-Montefiore DJ, Doughty D, Plowman PN (1992): Intracranial germ cell tumours. II: The application of a partial transmission block technique to reduce late morbidity.

Clin Oncol 4, 351-354.

  1. Thomas BC, Stanhope R, Leiper AD, Plowman PN (1993): Growth following single fraction and fractionated total body irradiation for bone marrow transplantations.

Eur J Pediatr 152, 888-892.

  1. Thomas BC, Stanhope R, Leiper AD, Plowman PN (1993): Endocrine function following single fraction and fractionated total body irradiation for bone marrow transplantation in childhood.

Acta Endocrinological 128, 508-512.

  1. Attard-Montalto S, Plowman PN, Breatnach F, Eden OB (1993): Is there a danger in delaying radiotherapy in childhood medulloblastoma.

Brit J Radiol 66, 807-813.

  1. Singh AD, Garway-Heath D, Love S, Plowman N, Kingston J, Hungerford JL (1993): Relationship of regression pattern to recurrence in retinoblastoma.

Brit J Ophthalmol 77, 12-16.

  1. Ganjoo RK, Malpas JS, Plowman P (1993): Solitary plasmacytoma of bone – a rare disorder with an unusual evolution.

Post Grad Med J 69, 153-154.

  1. Shafford EA, Kingston JE, Malpas JS, Plowman PN, Pritchard J, Savage MO, Eden OB (1993): Fertility in males treated for Hodgkin’s disease in childhood.

Brit J Cancer 68, 1199-1204.

  1. Vale JA, A’ttern RP, Liu K, Hendry WF, Whitfield HN, Plowman PN, Sontern C, Slavin G (1993): Predicting the outcome of radical radiotherapy for invasive bladder cancer.

Eur Urol 24, 48-51.

  1. Irwin CJR, Thomson E, Plowman PN. Case report: Paediatric radiotherapy – the avoidance of late damage to the growing hip.

Brit J radiol. 1993; 66: 369-74

  1. Walker JD, Grossman A, Anderson JV, Ur E, Trainer PJ, Bean J, Lewy C, Sonksen PH, Plowman PN, Lowe DG, Doniach I, Wass JAH, Besser GM (1993): Malignant prolactinoma with extracranial metastases: a report of three cases.

Clin Endocrinol 38, 411-420.

  1. Plowman PN, Kingston JE, Hungerford JL (1993): Prophylactic retinal radiotherapy has exceptional place in the management of familial retinoblastoma.

Brit J Cancer 68, 743-745.

  1. Plowman PN, Montefiore DS, Lightman S (1993): Multiagent chemotherapy in the salvage cure of ocular lymphoma relapsing after radiotherapy.

Clin Oncol 5, 315-316.

  1. Nicholl RM, Kirk JMW, Grossman AB, Plowman PN, Besser GM, Savage MO (1993): Acceleration of pubertal development following pituitary radiotherapy for Cushing’s disease.

Clin Oncol 5, 393-394.

  1. Hussain ST, Gui GPH, Lee KS, Plowman PN, Gilmore OJA, Allum WH. Patterns of locoregional recurrence after breast conserving surgery and radiation.

J Roy Coll Surg (Edin), 40, 163-166 (1995).

  1. Atra A, Ward HC, Aitken K, Boyle M, Dicks-Mireaux C, Duffy PG, Mitchell CD, Plowman PN, Ransley PG, Pritchard J (1994). Conservative surgery in multimodal therapy for pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma in children.

Brit J Cancer 70, 1004-1008.

  1. Hungerford JL, Toma NG, Plowman PN, Kingston JE (1995). External beam radiotherapy for retinoblastoma.  I: Whole eye technique.

Brit J Ophthalmol 79, 109-111.

  1. Toma NG, Hungerford JL, Plowman PN, Kingston JE (1995). External beam radiotherapy for retinoblastoma.  II: Lens-sparing technique.

Brit J Ophthalmol 79, 112-117.

  1. Jenkins P, Plowman PN (1994). Renal morbidity and compensatory renal responses associated with radiotherapy in children.

Brit J Radiol 67, 651-665.

  1. Jenkins PJ, Trainer PJ, Plowman PN, Shand WS, Grossman AB, Wass JAH, Besser GM (1994). The role of prophylactic pituitary radiotherapy in the long term outcome after adrenalectomy for Cushing’s disease.

J Clinic Endocrinol and Metab 80, 165-171.

  1. Plowman PN, Joel SP, Herman S (1994): Etoposide pharmacokinetics in a jaundiced infant with Letterer-Siwe variant of Langerhans cell histiocytosis.

Oncology Reports 1, 1233-1234.

  1. Attard-Montalto SP, Saha V, Schuller I, Kingston JE, Plowman PN, Taylor AMR, Arlett CF, Bridges BA, Eden OB. Increased response to radiotherapy in a child with T cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Med Ped Oncol. 27 , 565-570 ( 1996 ).

  1. Plowman PN, Gravett PJ (1994): Three cases of destructive facial granulocytic sarcoma in childhood – Acute myeloid leukaemia expressing lymphoid associated antigens.

Oncol Reports 1, 1189-1191.

  1. Weber A, Trainer PJ, Grossman A, Afshar F, Medbok S, Perry L, Plowman PN, Rees LH, Besser GM, Savage MO (1995). Investigation, management and therapeutic outcome in 12 cases of childhood and adolescent Cushing’s syndrome.

Clin Endocrinol 43, 19-28.

  1. Lee KS, Plowman PN, Gilmore OJA, Gray R (1995). Tamoxifen in breast conservation therapy.

Int J Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 33, 281-284.

  1. Sebag-Montefiore DJ, Doughty D, Biggs D, Plowman PN (1995). Stereotactic multiple arc radiotherapy.  I: Vascular malformations of the brain: an analysis of the first 108 patients.

Brit J Neurosurg 9, 441-452.

  1. Mannor GE, Rose GE, Plowman PN, Kingston JE, Wright JE, Vardy SJ. Management of primary orbital rhabdomyosarcoma refractory to chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  2. Kingston JE , Hungerford JL , Madreperla SA , Plowman PN . Results of combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy for advanced intraocular retinoblastoma . Arch. Opthalmol . 114 , 1337-1343 ( 1996 ).
  3. Goddard AG, Harris SJ, Plowman PN, Savage MO, Kingston JE. Growth hormone deficiency following radiotherapy for orbital and parameningeal sartcomas. Ped. Hem Oncol 1999; 16: 23-33.
  4. Barua JM, Ong J, Oliver RTD, Boshoff C, Gallagher CJ, Munro A, Mair G, Plowman N, Hendry WF, Fowler C, Philp T, Singh M. Phase I study of synchronous MOPq10 combined with radiotherapy in bladder cancer.
  5. Chakrabarti KB, Doughty D, Plowman PN. Stereotactic multiple arc radiotherapy.  II: Cranial neuroma. Brit J Neurosurg.10 , 577-583 ( 1996 ).
  6. Madreperla SA, Hungerford JL, Plowman PN. Choroidal haemangiomas: Visual and anatomic results of treatment by photocoagulation or radiotherapy. Ophthalmology 104: 1773-1779; 1997
  7. Madreperla SA , Hungerford JL , Doughty D , Plowman PN , Kingston JE , Singh AD . Treatment of retinoblastoma vitreous base seeding. Ophthalmology 105: 120-124; 1998.
  8. Walne AJ, Jenkins PJ, James IT, Plowman PN. Pyridinum cross-links in the  measurement and monitoring of patients with bone metastases from carcinoma of breast. Clin Oncol.9 , 30-34  ( 1997 ).
  9. Falkson CB, Chakrabarti K, Doughty D, Plowman PN. Stereotactic multiple arc radiotherapy.  III: Influence of treatment of arteriovenous malformations on associated epilepsy. Brit J Neurosurg.11 , 12-15 ( 1997 ) .
  10. Plowman PN, Kingston JE, Sebag-Montefiore D, Doughty D. Clinical efficacy of perceived “CNS-friendly” chemoradiotherapy for primary intracranial germ cell tumours.  Oncol. 9 , 48-53 ( 1997 ) .
  11. Chakrabarti PR, Chakrabarti KB, Doughty D, Plowman PN. Stereotactic multiple arc radiotherapy.  IV: Haemangioblastoma. Brit J Neursurg.11 , 110-115 ( 1997 ).
  12. UKCCCR Anal Cancer Trial Working Party (PNP member of this) 1996. Epidermoid anal cancer: results from the UKCCCR randomised trial of radiotherapy alone versus radiotherapy, 5-fluorouracil and mitomycin C. 348 , 1049-1054 ( 1996 ) .
  13. Plowman P N, Saunders CAB, Maisey M. ( 1997 ) On the usefulness of brain PET scanning to the paediatric neuro-oncologist. Brit. J. Neurosurg.11 : 525-532.
  14. Kanabar DJ, Krapez J, Medbak S, Langford R, Plowman PN. Preemptive analgesia in children: is it worth it? Brit J Anaesth.
  15. Plowman PN , Costello J , O’Donoghue N . Complete remission of extensive metastatic renal cancer following immunotherapy Oncol. 9 , 176-180 ; ( 1997 ) .
  16. Plowman PN . Stereotactic multiple arc radiotherapy V. Primary treatment of discrete low grade glioma . Brit Neurosurg. 11 : 331-334 ( 1997 ) .
  17. Blackburn TPD , Doughty D , Plowman PN . Stereotactic intracavitary therapy of recurrent cystic craniopharyngioma by installation of Y-90. Brit J Neurosur. 1999; 13: 359-365.
  18. Johnston LB , Grossman AB , Plowman PN , Besser GM , Savage MO. Normal final height and apparent cure after pituitary irradiation for Cushing’s disease in childhood : Long-term follow-up of anterior pituitary function. Clin Endocrinol.48 : 663-667 ; 1998.
  19. Plowman PN, Saunders CAB , Maisey MN . Gliomatosis cerebri – disconnection of the cortical grey matter, demonstrated on PET scanning . Brit J Neurosurg. 12 (3) : 240-244 ; 1998.
  20. Crockard A, MacCaulay E, Plowman PN. Stereotactic Radiosurgery V1. Posterior displacement of the brainstem facilitates safer high dose radiosurgery for clival chordoma Brit J Neurosurg. 13: 65-70; 1999
  21. Jenkins C , Bunce C , Wright J , Cree I , Rose G , Plowman N , Hero I , Lightman S , Moseley I , Norton A .Histological features of ocular adnexal lymphoma (REAL classification) and their association with patient morbidity and survival Brit J Ophthalmol 2000; 84: 907-13
  22. Jenkins C , Wright J , Bunce C , Cree I , Norton A, Plowman N , , Moseley I Henk M, Davis G ,Lightman S, Rose G . Clinical features associated with survival in patients with lymphoma of the ocular adnexa. Eye 2003; 17: 809-20.
  23. Crockard HA, Steel T, Plowman PN, Singh A, Crossman J, Revesz T, Holton JL. (2001) The current approach ot skull base chordomas J Neurosurg 95: 175-183
  24. Crockard HA, cheesman A. Steel T, Plowman PN, Singh A, Crossman J. (2001). The current approach to skull base chondrosarcomas. J Neurosurg 85: 184-9.
  25. Myatt N, Cree IA, Kurbacher CM, Foss AJE. Hungerford JL, Plowman PN. The ex vivo chemosensitivity profile of choroidal melanoma . Anti-cancer drugs 8 : 756-762 ; 1997.
  26. Plowman PN. Protection of the heart from iatrogenic disease . 3. Radiotherapy considerations in patients with Hodgkin’s disease who receive mediastinal radiotherapy ( and anthracycline containing chemotherapy ). Clin. Oncol. 10: 384-391; 1998.
  27. Shafford EA, Kingston JE, Healy JC, Webb J, Plowman PN, Reznek RH. Thyroid nodular disease after radiotherapy to the neck for childhood Hodgkin’s disease Brit J Cancer 80: 808-814; 1999.
  28. Goddard AG, Harris SJ, Plowman PN, Savage MO, Kingston JE. Diagnosis and treatment of growth hormone deficiency following radiotherapy for orbital and parameningeal tumours. Pediatric Haematology and Oncology 16: 23-33. 1999.
  29. Rogers PB, Sims E, Plowman PN. Blood to cerebrospinal fluid human chorionic gonadotropin ratios in intracranial germ cell tumors.Neurosurgical Focus 5 (1) : 20-25; 1998.
  30. Hamid AMA, Rogers PB, Sibtain A, Plowman PN. Bilateral renal cancer in children – a difficult, challenging and changing management problem. Clin. Oncol. 11: 200-204; 1999.
  31. Sims E, Rogers PB, Besser GM, Plowman PN. Severe prolonged hypocalcaemia following pamidronate for malignant hypercalcaemia. Clin. Oncol.10: 407-409; 1998.
  32. Kaltsas GA, Mukherjee JJ, Plowman PN, Monson JP, Grossman AB, Besser GM. The role of cytotoxic chemotherapy in the management of aggressive and malignant pituitary tumours J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab 1998; 83: 4233-4238.
  33. Sibtain A, Plowman PN. Stereotactic radiosurgery V11. Radiosurgery versus conventionally fractionated radiotherapy in the treatment of cavernous sinus meningiomas Brit J Neurosurg 13 (2) : 158-166; 1999
  34. Plowman PN. Stereotactic Radiosurgery V111. The classification of post-radiosurgery reactions.Brit J Neurosurg 13 (3) : 256-264; 1999.
  35. Plowman PN, Wraith C, Royle N, Macaulay E, Doughty D, Grossman AB. Stereotactic Radiosurgery Craniopharyngioma. Durable complete imaging responses and indications for treatment. Brit J Neurosurg. 1999; 13: 352-358.
  36. Plowman P.N, Doughty D. Stereotactic radiosurgery X. Comparative isodosimetry of gamma versus X-knife (SMART) in the treatment of acoustic and pituitary tumours. Clin Oncol 11: 321-329; 1999
  37. Plowman PN. “CNS-friendly chemo-radiotherapy in pediatric neuro-oncology” (Position paper). Med and Ped Oncol 32: 216-18 (1999).
  38. Mukherjee JJ, Kaltsas GA, Islam N, Plowman PN, Britton KEB, Jenkins PJ, Monson JP, Besser GM, Grossman AB. Treatment of metastatic carcinoid tumors, phaeochromocytoma, paraganglioma and medullary carcinoma of the thyroid with 131-I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (131-I-MIBG. Clin Endocroinol. 2001; 55: 47-60.
  39. Siddiqi A, Foley R, Sibtain A, Plowman PN, Britton KEB, Grossman AB, Monson JP. Besser GM. The role of 123 -I diagnostic scanning in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer; avoidance of negative uptake of therapeutic radio-iodine due to stunning. Clinical Endocrinology (2001) 55: 515-21.
  40. Riballo E, Critchlow SE, Teo S-H, Doherty AJ, Priestley A, Broughton B, Kysela B, Beamish H, Plowman PN, Arlett C, Lehman AR, Jackson SP, Jeggo PA. Identification of a defect in DNA ligase IV in a radiosensitive leukaemic patient. Current Biology 1999; 9: 699-702.
  41. Plowman PN. “CNS-friendly” chemoradiotherapy in pediatric neuro-oncology. Med Ped Oncol. 32: 216-218; 1999
  42. Neale MH, Myatt N, Cree IA, Kurbacher CM, Foss AJE, Hungerford JL, Plowman PN. Combination chemotherapy for choroidal melanoma: ex vivo sensitivity to treosulphan with gemcitabine or cytosine arabinoside. Brit. J. Cancer 1999; 9/10: 1487-1493.
  43. Shafford EA, Kingston JE, Healy J, Webb JA, Plowman PN, Reznek R. Thyroid nodular disease after radiotherapy to the neck for childhood Hodgkin’s disease. Brrit J Cancer 1999; 80: 809-14
  44. Kaltsas GA, Powles TB, Evanson J, Plowman PN, Drinkwater JE, Jenkins PJ, Monson JP, Besser GM, Grossman AB. Hypothalamo-pituitary abnormalities in adult patients with Langerhans cell Histiocytosis: clinical, endocrinological and radiological features, and response to treatment J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2000; 85: 1370-6.
  45. Slevin MS, Plowman PN, James R, Meadows HM, Houghton J. Chemoradiation for anal cancer does not impair quality of life compared to radiotherapy alone MS submitted J Clin Oncol.  1999
  46. Amin S, Rogers P, Summerton P, Hungerford JL, Plowman PN. Choroidal haemangiomas treated with external beam radiotherapy – dosage variation – MS submitted 1999
  47. Jan-mohamedS, Wood DF, Monson JP, Besser GM, Chew SL, Grossman AB, Plowman PN. Suprasellar germ cell tumours – specific problems and the evolution of optimal management with a combined chemo-radiotherapy regimen. Clin Endocrinol. 57: 487-500; 2002.
  48. Lebrethon MC, Grossman AB, Afshar F, Plowman PN, Besser GM, Savage MO. Linear growth and final height after treatment for Cushing’s disease in childhood. J. Clin Endocrinol. Metab. 85: 3262-3265; 2000.
  49. Sibtain A, Eeles R, Wellwood J, Plowman PN. Simultaneous breast cancer in non-identical Ashkenazi Jewish twins: management dilemmas when genetic testing is negative. Clinical Oncology 12: 305-308; 2000.
  50. Taylor HJH, Gravett P, Plowman PN. Secondary AML Expressing 11q23 mutation) occuring 11 months after chemotherapy/radiotherapy for paediatric NHL. Clin oncol 12: 112-114; 2000
  51. Sims EC, Plowman PN. Stereotactic radiosurgery X11. Large AVM and the failure of the radiation response modifier gamma linolenic acid to improve the therapeutic ratio Brit J Neurosurg 2001; 15: 28-34.
  52. Irwin CJ, Thomson E, Plowman PN. Case report: paediatric radiotherapy the avoidance of late radiation damage to the growing hip. Brit. J. Radiol. 1993; 66: 369-74
  53. Rogers PB, Plowman PN, Harris SJ, Arlett CF. Four radiation hypersensitivity cases and their implications for clinical radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology 57: 143-154; 2000
  54. Nath N, Neild G, Plowman PN. Oncologist’s nephropathy. Clin Oncol 12: 108-111; 2000
  55. Marcou Y, Lindquist C, Adams C, Retsas S, Plowman PN. Stereotactic radiosurgery X111. The optimal therapy of brain metastases. Clinical Oncology 2001; 13: 105-111.
  56. Jackson ASN, St. George EJ, Hayward RD, Plowman PN. Stereotactic radiosurgery XV11. Recurrent intrasellar craniopharyngioma. Brit J Neurosurg 2003; 17: 138-43
  57. Allan CA, Kaltsas G, Evanson J, Lowe DG, Plowman PN, Grosman AB. Pituitary chondrosarcoma: an unusual case of sellar mass presenting as pituitary adenoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86: 386-391.
  58. Marcou Y, Jeggo P, Plowman PN. (2001). Cellular radiosensitivity assessment in an adult Fanconi anaemia patient with extreme clinical radiosensitivity . Radiotherapy and Oncology 60: 75-9
  59. Chalmers A, Gillham CM, Plowman PN. Nuchal aggressive fibromatosis: two instructive cases. Clinical Oncology 2001; 13: 378-83.
  60. Lienhardt A, Grossman AB, Hubner A, Dacie JE, Evanson J, Afshar F, Plowman PN, Besser GM, Savage MO. Relative contributions of inferior petrosal sinus sampling and pituitary imaging in the investigation of children and adolescents with ACTH dependent Cushing’s syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2001) 86: 5711-4
  61. Sandy CJ, Rose GE, Clarke BJ, Plowman PN. Sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma presenting as solely orbital disease in a 78 year old. Eye 2001; 15(1): 113-115.
  62. Smith A, Rose GE, Plowman PN. Pulsatile visual phenomenon, ipsilateral to a metastatic orbital carcinoid occurring during usage of sildenafil (Viagra). Eye 2001; 15: 809-11.
  63. Nutting CM, Desai SS, Norton A, Rose GE, Plowman PN. Graves’ ophthalmopathy predisposes to the development of orbital lyphoma. Eye 2006; 20: 645-648.
  64. Ferris JD, Dawson EL, Plowman PN, Adams G, Fells P, Lees JP. Radiotherapy in thyroid disease: the effect on the field of binocular single vision. J Am Assoc Ped Ophthalmol Strabismus 6 (2): 71-6; 2002
  65. Chakraborti KB, Hopewell JW, Wilding D, Plowman PN. Modification of doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity. Effect of essential fatty acids and ICRF-187 (Dexrazoxane). European J Cancer. 2001; 37: 1435-42.
  66. Kingston JE, Plowman PN, Scheimberg I, Lillington DM, Hungerford JL. Are some tumours in the nasoethmoid region in children with genetic retinoblastoma ectopic non-metastatic retinoblastomas? IN PREP
  67. Perks J, St George EJ, Doughty D, Plowman PN. Is distortion correction necessary for digital subtraction angiography in the gamma knife treatment of intracranial arteriovenous malformations? Stereotact Funct. Neurosurg. 2001; 76: 94-105.
  68. Chakravarthy U, Hart PM, Houston RF, McCullough DW, Stevenson MR, Bird A, Owens SL, Plowman PN, Chisholm IH, Hall V, MacKenzie G. The subfoveal radiotherapy trial: Visual outcome at 12 and 24 months in a randomised controlled trial of external beam radiotherapy for subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation of age related macular degeneration.
  69. Hart PM, Chakravarthy U, MacKenzie G, Chisholm IH, Bird AC,Stevenson MR, Owens SL, Hall V, Houston RF, McCullogh DW, Plowman PN. The subfoveal radiotherapy study: visual outcome at 12 and 24 months in a randomised controlled trial of external beam radiotherapy for subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation of age-related macular degeneration
  70. St George J, Perks J, Plowman PN. Stereotactic Radiosurgery XV. The  role of the haemosiderin ring in the development of adverse reactions following radiosurgery for intracranial cavernous malformations- a hypothesis.

Brit. J Neurosurg. 16: 385-91; 2002.

  1. Isidori A, Kaltsas G, Frajese V, Kola B, Whitelocke RAF, Plowman PN, Britton KE, Monson JP, Grossman AB, Besser GM. (2001) Ocular metastases secondary to carcinoid tumours: the utility of radionuclide imaging with 123-I-MIBG and 111-DTPA pentetreotide. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002; 87 (4).
  2. Savage MO, Lienhart A, Lebrethon MC, Johnson LB, Huebner A, Grossman AB, Afshar F, Plowman PN, Besser GM. Cushing’s disease in childhood: Presentation, investigation, treatment and long-term outcome. Horm Research .2002; 55 (Suppl 1): 24-30.
  3. Carroll PV, Monson JP, Grossman AB, Besser GM, Plowman PN, Afshar F, Savage MO. Successful treatment of childhood-onset Cushing’s disease is associated with persistent reduction in growth hormone secretion. Clinical Endocrinology 2004; 60: 169-74.
  4. Storr HL, Plowman PN, Carroll PV, Francois I, Krassas G, Afshar F, Besser GM, Grossman AB, Savage MO. Clinical and endocrine responses to pituitary radiotherapy in pediatric Cushing’s disease: an effective second line treatment. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003. 88(1): 34-7.
  5. St George et al. Can MRI alone accurately define the AVM nidus for Gamma Knife radiosurgery? J Neurosurg 2002; 97 (5 Suppl.): 464-70.
  6. Lee V, Bunce C, Hungerford Jl, Plowman PN.Globe conserving treatment of the only eye in bilateral retinoblastoma. Brit. J. Ophthalmol. 2003; 87: 1374-80.
  7. Jenkins C, Rose GE, Bunce C, Cree I, Norton A, Plowman PN, Moseley I, Wright J. Clinical features associated with survival of patients with lymphoma of the ocular adnexa. Eye 2003; 17: 809-820.
  8. Jenkins C, Rose G, Bunce C, Wright J, Cree I, Plowman N, Lightman S, Mosseley I, Norton A. Histological features of ocular adnexal lymphoma (REAL) classification and their association with patient morbidity and survival. Brit J Ophthalmol. 2000; 84: 907-913
  9. Djuzenova CS, Flentje M, Plowman PN. Increased DNA damage and micronuclei production in X-irradiated fibroblasts from a Fanconi Anaemia patient with marked clinical radiosensitivity. Strahlenther. Onkol. 2004; 180 (12) : 789-97
  10. Breen SL, Kehagioglou P, Usher C, Plowman PN. A comparison of conventional, conformal and intensity modulated radiotherapy plans for posterior fossa treatment. Brit J Radiol. 2004; 77: 768-74.
  11. Monk JE, Perks JR, Plowman PN. Comparison of micro-multileaf collimator with 5mm leaf width collmator on linear accelerator for stereotactic .  Int J Radiation Oncol Biol. Phys 2003; 57: 1443-9.
  12. Perks JL, St. George EJ, El Hamri K, Blackburn P, Plowman PN. Stereotactic Radiosurgery XVI. Isodosimetric comparison of Gamma Knife versus Linear accelrator micro-leaf MLC stereotactic radiotherapy methods for the therapy of acoustic neuroma – potential clinical importance. Int J Radiation Oncol Biol. Phys 2003; 57: 1450-9.
  13. Plowman PN, Besser GM , Shipley J, Summersgill B, Geddes, Afshar. Dramatic response of malignant craniopharyngioma to cis-platin chemotherapy. Should craniopharyngioma be regarded as a supra-sellar germ cell tumour?  Brit J Neurosurg.  2004; 18(5): 500-505.
  14. Jackson A, Plowman PN. Pineal parenchymal tumours 1. Pineocytoma: A tumour responsive to platinum based chemotherapy. Clin. Oncol. 2004; 16: 238-243.
  15. Plowman PN., Pizer B, Kingcton JE. Pineal parenchymal tumours 11. On the aggressive behaviour of pineoblastoma associated with the inherited mutation of the retinoblastoma gene. Clin Oncol. 2004; 16: 244-247.
  16. Pomplun S, Singh N, Plowman PN, Wells C. Fine needle aspiration from the upper arm in a post mastectomy patient. Cytopathology. 14: 37-39; 2003
  17. Kong A, Bridgewater CH, Vilarino-Varela M, Plowman PN. Molecular therapy as primary treatment for adult solid cancers: Gefitinib and imatinib. CME Cancer Medicine. 2004; 2(3): 74-77.
  18. Muecke J, Hungerford JL, Kingston JE, Plowman PN. New tumour developments after treatment in infants with genetic retinoblastoma: comparison of radiotherapy with chemotherapy. MS submitted.
  19. Swords FM, Allan CA, Plowman PN, Sibtain A, Evanson J, Chew SL, Grossman AB, Besser GM, Monson JP. Stereotactic radiosurgery XV1: A treatment for previously irradiated pituitary adenomas J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2003; 88: 5334-40
  20. Perks J, El Hamri K, Plowman PN…Comparison of radiosurgery planning modalities for acoustic neuroma with regard to conformity and mean target dose. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2005;83:165-171
  21. McFarlane RG, Galloway M, Plowman PN, Thomas DGT. A highly vascular intracranial solitary fibrous tumour treated with radiotherapy and toremifene. Neurosurgery 2005; 56: E1378 (5 pages).
  22. Ali N, Sebastian C, Foley RR, Murray I, Canizales AL, Drake W, Plowman PN, Grossman AB, Besser GM, Chew SL, Monson JP, Britton KE. The management of differentiated thyroid cancer using 123-radioiodine for imaging, to assess the need for 131-radiodine therapy. Nucleart Medicine Communications 2006; 27 (2): 165-169.
  23. Tatla T, Hungerford J, Plowman PN, Ghufoor K, Keene M. Conjunctival melanoma – the role of conservative surgery and radiotherapy in regional metastatic disease. The Laryngoscope 2005; 115: 817-22.
  24. Chung TT, Drake WM, Evanson J, Walker D, Ploman PN, Chew SL, Grossman AB, Besser GM. Monson JP. Peripituitary tumour surveillance imaging in patients receiving growth hormone replacement. Clin. Endocrinol. 2005; 63: 274-91
  25. Millwaters ME, Plowman PN, Carter JLB. Treatment of recurrent ameloblastoma with stereotactic radiosurgery. Int J
  26. Arlett CF, Plowman PN, Rogers PB, Parris CN, Abbaszadeh F, Green MHL, McMillan TC, Bush C, Foray N Lehman AR. Clinical and cellular ionising radiation sensitivity in a patient with xeroderma pigmentosa. Brit J. Radiol 2006; 79: 510-17
  27. O’Donnell HE, Finnegan K, Eliades H, Oliveros S, Plowman PN. Re-defining rectal volume and DVH for analysis of rectal morbidity risk after radiotherapy for early prostate cancer. . Brit J Radiol 2008, 81: 327-332
  28. Whitelaw GL, Blasiak-Wal I, Cooke K, Usher C, Plowman PN. A dosimetric comparison of two intensity modulated radiotherapy techniques: TomoTherapy versus standard linear accelerator. Brit J Radiol 2008, 81: 333-340
  29. Elsworthy M, Plowman PN. Peripheral lymphocyte counts during standard conformal radiotherapy and Tomotherapy/IMRT for early prostate cancer. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice 2008; 7: 223-227
  30. Plowman PN, Cooke K, Walsh N. The indications for IMRT/Tomotherapy in paediatric radiotherapy – 1. Extracranial disease. Brit J Radiol 2008; 81: 872-880
  31. O’Donnell H,Plowman PN, Khaira MK, Alusi G. PET scanning and Gamma Knife radiosurgery in the early diagnosis and salvage cure of recurrent nasopharynx carcinoma. Brit J Radiol. 2008, 81: e-26-e30
  32. Chan LF, Storr HL, Plowman PN, Perry LA, Besser.
  33. GM, Grossman AB, Savage MO. Long term anterior pituitary function in patients with paediatric Cushing’s Disease treated with pituitary radiotherapy. European J Endocrinol 2007 ; 156: 477-482.
  34. Khaira M, Mutamba A, Meligonis G, O’Donnell H, Rose GE, Plowman PN. Radiotherapy for primary isolated orbital amyloidosis. Orbit 2008, 27 (6) 432-437.
  35. Arlett C, et al. Minimal ionising radiation sensitivity in a large cohort of xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts. The British Journal of Radiology 2008; 81: 51-58


  1. Abbaszadeh, P.H. Clingen, C.F. Arlett, P.N. Plowman, E.C. Bourton, M. Themis, E.M. Makarov, R.F. Newbold, M.H.L. Green, C.N. Parris. A novel splice variant of the DNA-PKcs gene is associated with clinical and cellular radiosensitivity in a xeroderma pigmentosum patient. J Med Genetics – in press 2009 citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid…?doi=…


  1. Srirangalingham U, Walker L, Khoo B, MacDonald F, Gardner D, Wilkins TJ, Skelly RH, George E, Spooner D, Grossman AB, Akker S, Plowman PN, Berney DM, Burrin JM, Reznek RH, Kumar VKA, Maher ER, Chew SL. Clinical manifestations of familial paraganglioma and phaeochromocytomas in sucinate dehydrogenase B gene mutation carriers. Clin Endocrinol 2008
  2. Chan MPY, Hungerford JL, Kingston JE, Plowman PN. Clinical science – Original Article: Salvage external beam radiotherapy after failed primary chemotherapy for bilateral retinoblastoma: rate of eye and vision preservation
  3. M P Y Chan, J L Hungerford, J E Kingston, P N Plowman. Br J Ophthalmol 2009;93:891-894 Published Online First: 26 March 2009
  4. Edwards A, Swords F, Monson J, Plowman PN. Focal radiation therapy for patients with persistent/recurrent pituitary adenoma, despite previous radiotherapy. In: Pituitary, The official journal of the Pituitary society 2008.
  5. A manuscript entitled ‘Treatment of Nelsons Syndrome with Temozolomide’ (EJE-08-0557) has been submitted by Dr. Veronica Moyes to the European Journal of Endocrinology.
  6. Waterhouse, Mona; Sabin, Ian; Plowman, Nick; Akker, Scott; Chowdhury, Tahseen. A “Growing Cause” of Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Submitted to BMJ Case Reports.
  7. O’Donnell H, Cooke K, Walsh N, Plowman PN. Early experience of tomotherapy based intensity modulated radiotherapy for breast cancer treatment Clin. Oncol. 2009 21: 294-301
  8. Tara Barwick, Iain Murray, Hakim Megadmi, William Drake, Nick Plowman, Scott Akker, Shern Chew, Ashley Grossman, and Norbert Avril. SPECT/CT using Iodine-123 in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer – additional value over whole body planar imaging and SPECT.
  9. Edwards A, Coggin E, Plowman PN. Intensity modulated radiation therapy and Differential dose radiotherapy in neuro-oncology British Journal of Radiology (2010) 83, 133-136
  10. Swords FM, Monson JP, Besseer GM, Chew SL ,Drake WM, Grosssman AB, Plowman PN. Stereotactic Radiosurgery XV11 Gamma knife radiosurgery: a safe and effective salvage therapy for pituitatry tumnours not controlled despite conventional radiotherapy.

Eur J Endocrinol 2009; 161: 819-28.

  1. Plowman PN. Recent London developments in modern prostate radiation Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2008 Sep;1138:257-66(Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2008 Sep;1138:257-66.)
  2. Smith D, Plowman PN. On the recovery of hormone sensitivity after salvage brachytherapy for hormone refractory localised prostate cancer.   Int Braz J Urol 2010; 36(3):283-91
  3. Sharma A, Plowman PN, Bullock P, Blackburn P. Stereotactic radiosurgery XV111 . Acute cerebral oedema during radisurgery – a previously undescribed reaction Brit J Neurosurg. In press.
  4. Chung, TT, Drake WM, Plowman PN, Metcalfe K, Grossman AB, Akker SA, Chew SL, Besser GM, Walker DM, Koltowski-Haggstrom M, Wilton P, Matson AF, Monson JP. No clear evidence for an association between growth hormone replacement and relapse of intracranial germ cell tumours – single centre and KIMS experience . Endocrine Related Cancer. Euro J Endocrinol (in press 2010)
  5. Smith D, Macdougal N, Sibtain A, Powell ME, Plowman PN. First quinquennial review of intensity modulated radiotherapy at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Clin Oncol. 22: 666-674. 2010
  6. Martin AGR, Cowley IR, Taylor BA, Cassoni AM, Landau D, Plwoman PN. Stereotactic Radiosurgery X1X. Spinal radiosurgery – referral patterns and early experience from the first year of UK practice Brit J Neurosurg 2012: 26 (1), 53-58
  7. Bourton E, Plowman PN, Smith D, Arlett CF, Parris CN.Prolonged expression of the γ-H2AX DNA repair biomarker correlates with excess acute and chronic toxicity from radiotherapy treatment. Int J Cancer. 2011 Dec 15;129(12):2928-34.
  8. David Sebag-Montefiore, Helen M Meadows, David Cunningham, Piers N Plowman, David C Hurman, Neville Davidson, Robert Grieve, Ed Levine, and Rob Glynne-Jones on behalf of the National Anal Cancer Sub Group. Three Cytotoxic Drugs Combined with Pelvic Radiation and used as Maintenance Chemotherapy for Patients with Anal Carcinoma: A Phase II Pilot Study using 5-Fluorouracil, Mitomycin C and Cisplatin. Submitted to J Clin Oncol Dec 2010.
  9. C M Nutting, S Shah-Desai, G E Rose, A P Norton and P N Plowman Thyroid orbitopathy possibly predisposes to late-onset of periocular lymphoma. Eye (2006) 20, 645–648. doi:10.1038/sj.eye.6702027; published online 26 August 2005.
  10. Bourton E, Plowman PN, Adam-Zahir S, Ulus S, Serrai H, Parris C. Multispectral imaging flow cytometry reveals distinct frequencies of Gamma H2AX foci of induction in DNA double strand repair defective human cell lines: Cytometry A. 2012 Feb;81(2):130-7.


  1. Bourton E, Plowman PN, Adam-Zahir S, Ulus S, Serrai H, Parris C. Multispectal imaging flow cytometry reveals distinct frequencies of Gamma H2AX foci of induction in DNA double strand repair defective human cell lines: Cytometry A. 2012 Feb; 81(2): 130-7.


  1. Martin AGR, Coltart DJ, Plowman PN. Cyberknife radiosurgery for an intracardiac metastasis.  Brit Med J case reports 2011.


  1. Eminowicz GK, Raman R, Conibear J, Plowman PN. JLO 13172 Bevacizumab for vestibular schwannoma in neurofibromatosis type 2.  The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 2012 volume 126, issue 01, pp.79-82.  This article won the journal prize for 2012.


  1. Ulus-Senguloglu, Arlett C, Plowman PN, Parnell J, Parris CN. Artemis overexpression human diploid fibroblast cells is associated with cellular radiosensitivity and increased apoptosis.  B J Cancer 2012 Oct 23;107(9):1506-13.  Doi: 10.1038/bjc.2012.443.


  1. Emma C. Bourton1, Piers N. Plowman2, Amanda J. Harvey1, Sheba Adam Zahir1, Christopher N. Parris1. Hypersensitivity of BRCA1 Heterozygote Lymphoblastoid Cells to Gamma Radiation and PARP Inhibitors (TRAB-2013-IJRB-0110) The Journal of genetic syndromes and Gene Therapy: submitted


  1. Emma C. Bourton1, Piers N. Plowman2, Amanda J. Harvey1, Sheba Adam Zahir1, Christopher N. Parris. The PARP-1 Inhibitor Olaparib Causes Retention of γ-H2AX Foci in BRCA1 Heterozygote Cells Following Exposure to Gamma Radiation. J Cancer Therapy – Dec 17th : 44-52.  DOI: 10.4236/jct.2013.411A006


  1. Konstantinos Kopsidas1*, Amit Arora1, Karim Hammamji1, Gordon Hay1, Victoria M.L. Cohen1, Mandeep S. Sagoo1,2, John L. Hungerford1 and P. Nicholas Plowman3

Systemic Rituximab for Conjunctival Marginal Zone (Malt) Lymphomais not Protective for Subsequent Disease Development in the Contralateral Eye.  Int J Ophthalmol Clin Res 2015, 2:1 ISSN: 2378-346X


  1. WC Candy Sze1, Joe McQuillan2, P Nicholas Plowman3, Philip Blackburn4, H Ian Sabin4, Nadeem Ali2 and William M Drake1. Sterotactic radiosurgeryXX: Ocular neuromyotonia following Gamma Knife therapy of pituitary adenoma. Endocrinology Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2015; 2015: 140106. Published online 2015 Aug 4. doi:  10.1530/EDM-14-0106 and Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports


  1. Sheba Adam-Zahir, Piers N Plowman, Emma C Bourton, Fariha Sharif, and Christopher N Parris. MS# MCT-14-0405 MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS.
    Increased gamma-H2AX and Rad51 DNA Repair Biomarker Expression in Human Cell Lines Resistant to the Chemotherapeutic Agents Nitrogen Mustard and Cisplatin.
    In Press: ‘Chemotherapy’


  1. Bourton, EC, Hussain Plowman PN, Harvey A, Parris CN “Radiosensitivity of human breast cancer cell lines expressing the breast tumour kinase (Brk)” Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy 2015, 7 (2) 95-101.


  1. Adam-Zahir S, Plowman PN, Bourton EC, Sharif, F, Parris, C. Increased Gamma- H2AX and Rad51 DNA repair biomarker expression in Human cell lines resistant to the chemotherapeutic agents nitrogen mustard and cisplatin. Chemotherapy Journal (In press).


  1. Parris CN, Adam-Zahir S, Al-Ali H, Bourton EC, Plowman C, Plowman PN. Enhanced gH2AX DNA damage foci detection using multi-magnification and extended depth of field in imaging flow cytometry.  Journal of Cytometry, t Part A) 87A: 717-723 A, In press 2015.  Impact factor 4.0.


  1. Parris CN, Adam-Zahir S, Al-Ali H, Bourton EC, Plowman C, Plowman PN. Enhanced gH2AX DNA damage foci detection using multi-magnification and extended depth of field in imaging flow cytometry.  Cytometry A. 2015 Aug;87(8):717-23.  Doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22697. Epub 2015 June 18.


  1. Goldsmith C, Price P, Cross T, Loughlin S, Cowley I, Plowman PN. Dose-volume analysis of stereotactic body radiotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer: a focus on duodenal constraints.  Seminars in Oncology – submitted 2018 – Radiation Oncology.


  1. Bourton EC1, Foster HA1, Plowman PN2, Harvey AJ1 and Parris CN. Quantitation of DNA damage foci by imaging flow cytometry – using the analysis wizard is a good idea.  J Immunol Methods (submitted) 2016.


  1. Viola P1, Maurya M2, Croud J1, Gazdova J2, Suleman N1, Lim E3, Newsom-Davis T4, Plowman N5, Rice A6, Montero MA6, Gonzalez de Castro D2, Popat S7, Nicholson AG8. A Validation Study for the use of ROS1 Immunohistochemical Staining in Screening for ROS1 translocations in Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2016 Apr 28 pii:S1556-0864(16)30082-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2016.03.019. [Epub ahead of print]


  1. Zoran Gatalica1, MD, DSc, Joanne Ziu1, PhD, Wangjuh Chen1, PhD, Todd Maney1, PhD, Andreas Voss1, MD and P Nick Plowman2, MD. 1.  Caris Life Sciences, Phoenix, AZ, USA and Basel, Switzerland, 2. St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London.  Driverless lung adenocarcinoma: Impact of expanded RNA and protein-based testing on detection of actionable biomarkers.  UK Abstract at ELCC conference 2017.


  1. Al Ali HN, Chudasama D, Adam-Zahir S, Karteris E, Hall M, Plowman PN, Parris CN. A novel method to identify circulating tumour cells in prostate and ovarian cancers using imaging flow cytometry without immunocytochemistry.  Scientific Reports ?? Nature Journal (submitted 2017).


  1. Bourton E, Amata-Ahorner P, Plowman PN, Adam-Zahir S, Al Ali H, Parris CN. The PARP-1 inhibitor Olaparib suppresses BRCA1 protein levels, increases apoptosis and causes radiation hypersensitivity in BRCA1 lymphoblastoid cells (The Journal of Cancer – in press 2017).


  1. Sri K Gore, Nick Plowman, Aruna Dharmasena, David H Verity, Geoffrey E Rose. Corneal complications after orbital radiotherapy for primary epithelial malignancies of the lacrimal gland.  Brit J Ophthalmol: 2017 Oct 19.  pii: bjophthalmol-2017-311134.  Doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311134.


  1. George S, Waterhouse M, Akker S, Drake W, Plowman N, Berney D, Richards P, Adams A, Nowowinski E, Brennan C, Druce M. The impact of thyroiditis on radioiodine uptake during ablative therapy in the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer.  Endocrine Abstracts (2017) 50 P401/doi: 10.1530/endoabs.50.P401.  Full paper: Submitted 2017.


  1. Zoran Gatalica1, MD, DSc, Joanne Xiu1, PhD, Wangjuh Chen1, PhD, Todd Maney1, PhD, Andreas Voss1, MD and P Nick Plowman2, MD. 1.  Caris Life Sciences, Phoenix AZ, USA and Basel Switzerland.  2. St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, UK.  Abstract at ELCC conference 2017.  Annals of Oncology, Volume 28, Issue Suppl 2, 1 April 2017, mdx091.044, https://doi.org/10.1093/annonc/mdx091.044.


  1. Al Ali HN, Chudasama D, Adam-Zahir S, Karteris E, Hall M, Plowman PN, Parris CN: A novel method to identify circulating tumour cells in prostate and ovarian cancers using imaging flow cytometry without immunocytochemistry. Scientific Reports (submitted 2017).


  1. Bourton E, Amata-Ahorner P, Plowman PN, Adam-Zahir S, Al Ali H, Parris CN. The PARP-1 inhibitor Olaparib suppresses BRCA1 protein levels, increases apoptosis and causes radiation hypersensitivity in BRCA1 lymphoblastoid cells.  J Cancer 2017; 8(19):4048-4056.  Doi: 10.7150/jca.21338.


  1. Submission no: ORET_2017_377. Submission title:  Analysis of long term outcomes of radiotherapy and verteporfin photodynamic therapy for circumscribed choroidal haemangioma.  Corresponding author: Dr Vasilios Papastefanou. Listed co-author(s): Mr John L Hungerford, Professor Mandeep Sagoo, Dr Ehud Reich, Dr Nicholas P Plowman, Miss Victoria ML Cohen, Mr Amit K Arora, Dr Marie Restori, Dr Efi Pavlidou.


Journal: Ophthalmology Retina 2018.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oret.2017.12.002.


  1. Druce et al. Your manuscript entitled ‘Impact of thyroiditis on 131I uptake during ablative therapy for differentiated thyroid cancer’ has been successfully submitted online and is being given full consideration for publication in Endocrine Connections. Your manuscript ID is EC-19-0053.R1.


  1. V Mitravela1, N Glynn1, M Waterhouse1, SA Akker1, M Korbonits1, WM Drake1, D Berney2, PN Plowman3, R Carpenter 4, L Parvanta 4, MR Druce1. Departments of Endocrinology1, Pathology2, Clinical Oncology3 and Surgery4, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, West Smithfield, London, UK.  Long-term outcome following treatment for medullary thyroid cancer – remission, recurrence and survival.  British Endocrine Soc Abstr. 2017


  1. Lee R et al (Plowman PN). Combined immunosuppression and radiotherapy in thyroid eye disease (CIRTED): a multi-centre factorial randomised controlled trial.  Lancet (diabetes and endocrinology MS 17-00477R1.2018.

Published Online January 30, 2018http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2213-8587(18)30021-4See  Online/Commenthttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2213-8587(18)30022-6

*Contributed equally†Joint senior authors


  1. 2018 ASCO Abstract #214131.

A Phase I Expansion Study of Pegargiminase, Cisplatin and Pemetrexed in Argininosuccinate

Synthetase 1-negative Recurrent High Grade Gliomas (HGGs).

Peter Edward Hall, Rachel Lewis, Nelofer Syed, Richard Shaffer, Jane Evanson, Stephen Ellis, Matthew Williams, Xiaoxing Feng, Amanda Johnston, Jim Thomson, Fiona Harris, Raj Jena, Ramsay Khadeir, Bor-Wen Wu, John S. Bomalaski, Timothy Crook, Michael Sheaff, Simon Pacey, Nick Plowman, Peter Wojciech Szlosarek; Barts Health NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom; Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; St. Luke’s Cancer Centre, Guildford, United Kingdom; Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom; Polaris Pharmaceuticals Inc., San Diego, CA; Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom; University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Barts Cancer Institute, London, United Kingdom.


  1. Lewis R, Mahmoud A, Bhandari A, McKintosh E, Plowman P, Krishnan A. Differentiating tumour progression from pseudoprogression in patients with glioblastoma using multiparametric MRI imaging: Data from Barts Health NHS Trust London.  European Journal of Surgical Oncology November 2016 Volume 42, Issue 11, Pages S248-S249.  Also presented at poster at NCRI conference.


  1. Lewis R, Plowman PN, Parris C. Cell cycle analysis of y-H2AX in irradiated normal or DNA-defective cells with image flow cytometry.  April 2016 Radiotherapy and Oncology 119:S976-7.


  1. Lewis R, Bourton E, Parris C, Plowman P. CDC73 deficiency: a syndrome with multiple tumours is predicted to show excessive radiosensitivity.  Radiotherapy and Oncology April 2016 Volume 119, S976.


  1. Lewis R. Can differences in response of uveal melanoma cells lines to chemotherapy and radiotherapy be explained by differences in DNA repair?  Oral Presentation, Association for Radiation Research, Leicester, Jun 2016.


  1. Bourton EC, Ahorner PA, Plowman PN, Zahir SA, Al-Ali H, Parris CN. The PARP-1 inhibitor Olaparib suppresses BRCA-1 protein levels, increases apoptosis and causes radiation hypersensitivity in BRCA1 lymphoblastoid cells.  J Cancer 2017; 8(19):4048-4056. Doi: 10.7150/jca.21338.


  1. Full author list: Peter Hall, Rachel Lewis, Nelofer Syed, Richard Shaffer, Jane Evanson, Stephen Ellis, Matthew Williams, Xiaoxing Feng, Amanda Johnston, James Thomson, Fiona Harris, Raj Jena, Tomasz Matys, Sarah Jefferies, Kate Smith, Bor-Wen Wu, John Bomalaski, Tim Crook, Kevin O’Neill, Dimitris Paraskevopoulos, Ramsay Khadeir, Michael Sheaff, Simon Pacey, Piers Plowman and Peter Szlosarek.  Corresponding author: Dr Szlosarek

Manuscript Number: CCR-18-3729

Manuscript Type: Research Article

Manuscript Title: Safety and efficacy of pegylated arginine deiminase (pegargiminase), cisplatin and pemetrexed in argininosuccinate synthetase 1-deficient recurrent high grade glioma.  Clinical Cancer Research.  Please note that our office will primarily confer with the corresponding author with regard to this submission; however, all listed authors have received an email advising them of our receipt of this manuscript.


  1. Papastefanou VP1, Plowman N2, Reich E1, Hungerford JL1, Arora AK1, Cohen VM1, Sagoo MS1,3. Analysis of long term outcomes of radiotherapy versus verteporfin photodynamic therapy for circumscribed choroidal haemangioma.  Ophthalmology 2018.  Ophthalmology, Volu Ophthalmology, Volume 125, Issue 9, September 2018, Pages 1308-1313me 125, Issue 9, September 2018, Pages 1308—1313.


  1. Rose GE1, Gore SK1, Plowman NP2. 1 Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, United Kingdom.  2 Medical Oncology Service, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom.  Cranio-orbital resection does not appear to improve survival of patients with lacrimal gland carcinoma.  Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 2019 Jan/Feb;35(1):77-84.  Doi: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000001177.


  1. Keshwani K1, Roelofs K2, Hay G3, Lewis R1, Plowman N1. 1 Barts Health Cancer Centre, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, Barts NHS Trust, London.  2 Moorfields Eye Hospital Department of Ocular Oncology, London.  3 Moorfields Eye Hospital Department of Ocular Oncology, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology & Barts Health NHS Trust, London. Corresponding author: Karim Keshwani k.keshwani@nhs.net Treating choroidal metastases and improving vision with osimertinib in T790M mutated lung adenocarcinoma. A case report and review of literature.  Running title: Treating choroidal metastases with osimertinib.  Submission: OOP-2020-6-9.


  1. Roclofs KA, Cohen V, Sandhoo M, Plowman PN, Negretti GS, O’Day R, Hay G, Arora AK, Damato B. Adjuvant external beam radiotherapy following enucleation for extraocular extension of uveal melanoma.  MS submitted June 2020.


  1. Mona Mohammad,1,2, Richard M Andrews,3,4, P Nicholas Plowman5, Gordon Hay1,4, Amit K Arora,1,4, Victoria ML Cohen,1,4, Mandeep S Sagoo,1,3,4,6. Outcomes of intravitreal methotrexate to salvage eyes with relapsed primary intraocular lymphoma.


  1. Shanty G Shah, Mona Waterhouse, Scott Akker, William Drake, Nick Plowman, Daniel M Berney, Polly Richards. The impact of thyroiditis on radioiodine uptake during ablative therapy in the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer.


  1. Karim Keshwani, Kelsy Roelofs, Gordon Hay, Rachel Lewis, Nick Plowman. Treating choroidal metastases and improving vision with osimertinib in EGFR T790M mutated lung adenocarcinoma:  A case report and review of literature.  Ocular Oncology and Pathology, 2020.  http://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/510602.


  1. Datar V, Plowman N et al. Improved treatment outcomes by using patient specific drug combinations in mTOR activated advanced metastatic cancers.


  1. Andrew Gaya MD1, Timothy Crook PhD MBBS2, Nicholas Plowman MD3, Anantbhushan Ranade MD4, Sewanti Limaye MD5, Amit Bhatt MD4, Raymond Page PhD6, Revati Patil MD7, Pradip Fulmali PhD7, Vineet Datta MD7, Prashant Kumar PhD7, Darshana Patil MD7 and Dadasaheb Akolkar PhD7. Evaluation of circulating tumor cell clusters for pan-cancer noninvasive diagnostic triaging.  Cancer Cytopathology Month 2020.


  1. Datar V, Plowman PN et al. Evaluation of circulating tumor cell clusters for pan cancer non-invasive diagnostic triaging.  In press: Cancer Cytopathology 2020.


  1. Sagoo M, Plowman N. Outcomes of intravitreal methotrexate (MTX) to salvage eyes with relapsed primary intraocular lymphoma (PIOL).  Bjophthalmol-202-317199.R1.  29-Sep-2020.


  1. Angiogenesis inhibitors in personalized combination regimens for treatment of advanced refractory cancers.


  1. Kelsey A Roelofs MD FRCSC, Victoria ML Cohen MA MB BChir FRCOphth, Mandeep S Sagoo MB PhD, FRCOphth, P Nicholas Plowman FRCR, Guy S Negretti MB BChir FRCOphth, Roderick O’Day MBBS FRANZCO, Gordon Hay MBBS, Amit K Arora MBBS MRCOphth and Bertil Damato MD PhD FRCOphth. Adjuvant external beam radiotherapy following enucleation of eyes with extraocular extension from uveal melanoma.  Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol XX, No XX, 2020.


  1. Plowman PN, Plowman CE. Onco-ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny – a consideration.  Oncogene 2021: https://www.naturecom/articles/s41388-020-01624-1#Fig1.


Emma Kenney-Herbert*, Anant Krishnan, Rachel Lewis, Nick Plowman.  *corresponding author: e.kenney-herbert@nhs.net, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, West Smithfield, London EC1A 7BE.  Durable responses of leptomeningeal metastatic cancer to modern systemic therapy.  Under review at CNS Oncology (Feb 2021).





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